Thursday 20 October 2011


System's Software

System software is computer software that is made to operate the computer hardware, (such as the RAM, the CPU, etc.)  and to provide a suitable set of conditions for the running of application software.

It is often considered as the "Core" programming of the computer.

Application's Software

This is software that is designed to help users perform tasks.
It can vary from text editors to graphic image manipulation programs such as OpenOffice and the GIMP.

There are many different type of software applications, such as office applications like Word and Excel, and there is communication software such as web browsers and email that allow you to access websites and send messages to people accross the world.

Software Utilities

Utility software is software that is designed to help analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer.

It can range from anti-virus software to disk defragmentors to screensavers.

Antivirus is used to detect, remove and delete viruses, malware, trojan horses and many other types of infective files and viruses.

There are several ways for antivirus to detect viruses.
While I will not explain them in detail I will list them and give brief descriptions of the several methods.

"Signature based detection" is the most commonly used and most effective method of detecting threats as it can detect the same threat each time it is found.
The only loophole involved with this form of antivirus is that newly made viruses wont have their signatures being detected.

"Heuristic-based detection" is a form of detection where it finds pieces of code that execute infective and dangerous actions.

"File emulation" is another form of virus detection where the software is executed in a "virtual environment" and its actions are then recorded to see if it is malicious.


A firewall is a program that either allows the access of certain transmissions within a certain set of rules and regulations. This is one of the most important security features a computer can have.
Firewalls cannot prevent E-Mail viruses so it cannot protect you from that type of scam.
Even if you have an antivirus program, you should not open them if you are not sure of their source.
Firewalls also cannot detect phishing scams, so it is advised that you do not open links that you do not know or trust fully.

Hardware Components


The CPU is the central processing unit that can execute commands.

It performs the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system.


Random-access memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage.
RAM only allows you to access data from one session, i.e if you creat a word document on your RAM, then forget to save it to your Hard drive you cannot access as it is dumped after the computer is powered off.

Graphics card

A graphics card is an expansion card which generates output images to a display or monitor.

Video hardware is often integrated into the motherboard, however all modern motherboards provide expansion ports to which a video card can be attached.

Expensive Graphics cards are often used for high-tech Gaming purposes.

Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

This data flow diagram shows how a computer operates.

Friday 14 October 2011

Storage Devices

CD Storage

The Compact Disc is a disc used to store digital data.
It was originally made to store and playback music, but later expanded to do data storage (CD-ROM), write-once audio and data storage (CD-R), rewritable media (CD-RW), Video Compact Discs (VCD), Super Video Compact Discs (SVCD), PhotoCD, PictureCD, CD-i, and Enhanced CD.

Hard Drive

A hard disk drive is a random access digital magnetic data storage device.
It has a thick disc-shaped object on a motor-driven spindle within a metal case. Data is magnetically read from and written to the platter by read/write heads that float on a film of air above the platters.

USB Flash Drive

A USB flash drive is a data storage device that consists of flash memory with a USB plug. USB flash drives are typically removable and rewritable and can store information such as PDF files, Excel spreadsheets, Music and many more filetypes.

Devices for Network Connection


Devices that are specified for network connection are often encountered in day to day life. These kinds of devices help us to organise our lives, plan our work and keep in contact with friends and family. I am going to list some of the services for devices that include network connectivity.


3G,  or “3rd generation mobile telecommunications” is a new version of technology in phones and laptops that offers faster wireless access. 3G offers faster methods of sending and receiving data for devices that can be used on the go.

Using services such as 3G open new possibilities when using smart phones. You can now stream content from YouTube or listen to radio online. You can also browse websites speedily as well as interact with applications such as “Draw Something” which requires you to connect to other people via the internet. 

3G technologies are often sold at fair prices. A 3G based phone such as a blackberry can be found often on saver deals.  


4G is the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications. It offers most of the same services as 3G but much faster.

4G offers approximately ten times faster response time in comparison to 3G which allows you to operate faster. 4G technologies also operate at 2.6ghz frequency which allows for a larger range of coverage despite the fact that it may still use the same tower that a 3G device would use.

Upgrading different parts of the country would be much simpler as towers would only need to be equipped with 4G component rather than having to rebuild new towers.


Using layers of electronic circuitry an N.I.C card will allow for networks to connect over a L.A,N Network.
the low cost and ubiquity of the Ethernet standard means that most newer computers have a network interface built into the motherboard.


Bluetooth and Wi-Fi have similar applications, they are good for setting up networks, printing and transferring files.
Wi-Fi was intended as a replacement for cabling for work areas.
However, Bluetooth exists in many products, such as the iPod Touch, Lego Mindstorms NXT, PlayStation 3, PSP Go, telephones, the Nintendo Wii, and some high definition headsets, modems, and watches. Bluetooth is useful when transferring information between two or more devices that are near each other such as mobile phones.

Friday 7 October 2011

Output Devices


A Printer is an output devices that translates electronic messaes into visual data that is printed on a piece of paper.


A Monitor is an LCD, HD or Cathode ray tube display that translates messages from a computer into a visual on a display for a user to read or see.

Vibration (Games Console)

A very common output device on games consoles is the vibration within games controllers.
It is an output device that offers players a more realistic experience.


Speakers are output devices that are often used with computers or devices such as DJ Decks and Guitars that require Amps.
They turn Electrical signals into sound.


Headphones are portable output devices that you can plug into devices such as iPods, iPhones, Mp3 players, DJ Decks, most computers, most stereos and many more items.
They deliver sound to one person or two (if headphones are shared) by translating electronic signals from a device into sound for a user to hear.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Computer Systems

PC and Base Unit

A personal computer (PC) is any general-purpose computer that is versatile enough for use by any person.
The Base unit is the bulk of the computer and it houses almost every process that occurs within the computer.

A Laptop is a personal computer for mobile use. They often use touchpad or trackball mouses and embedded input devices.


A Netbook is a smaller, more versatile version of a Laptop with scaled down price, size, weight and capabilties.


A PDA (personal digital assistant) is a small handheld device that acts as a personal information manager

Mobile Phone

A mobile phone allows calls into the public switched telephone system over a radio link.
Almost every person in this day and age owns a mobile phone.

Games console

A Games Console  is an interactive entertainment computer created solely for gaming both online and offline.


Tablet computers are complete mobile computers, smaller than a computer but larger than a Phone integrated into a flat touch screen.

Embedded Devices

An embedded device is a Computer System designed to do one or a few dedicated and/or specific functions.
It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts.

Friday 30 September 2011

Input Devices

A Mouse is a Infrared or ball-socket controlled input device.   It allows the user to click on different items.


A Keyboard is simply a typing device with numbers, letters and symbols.


A Webcam is a video camera that sends images from one computer to another over a network or the internet.


A Scanner is an input device that optically scans images,   printed text,   handwriting,   or an object,   and converts it to a digital image.


A Laserpen is an input device that interacts with a graphics tablet.   It touches the graphics tablet much like a touchpad only using a pen.

A joystick is an input device consisting of a stick that pivots on a base and reports its angle or direction to the device it is controlling.

Digital Camera

 A Digital camera is a device for capturing images for transfer to a computer or viewing on a camera monitor

Mobile Phone

A mobile phone allows calls into the public switched telephone system over a radio link. Almost every person in this day and age owns a mobile phone.   Input devices on a Phone include the microphone and the keypad.